Ways Travel Insurance Could Benefit You*

Enjoy the peace of mind and comfort that a well-crafted travel insurance protection plan provides and save yourself the hassles and expenses that an unexpected illness, injury, or travel delay can entail. Below are the top three examples of how Travel Insurance can protect your travel investment or provide support or reimbursement for issues during your trip.

1. You have an unexpected health issue while traveling.

Perhaps you twist an ankle or contract pneumonia; what options do you have? Since few medical insurance policies or Medicare offer coverage outside the U.S., you may encounter unexpected bills if a medical emergency strikes. The Medical Expense benefit covers you for emergency medical expenses incurred during your trip, emergency travel arrangements, and Emergency Medical Evacuation coverage.

2. You encounter travel delays and hassles during your trip.

Your flight to join your cruise voyage was cancelled due to inclement weather, and you arrive a day late to find that the ship has already sailed. You may incur costly transportation expenses to catch up with the group. Missed Connection benefit will reimburse you for additional transportation costs and reasonable accommodations to catch up to your cruise or tour. Even if joining the trip is simple, the Trip Delay benefit will reimburse you for meals and hotels.

You arrive for your adventure trip to discover your luggage is missing and you have unexpected expenses to replace clothes and essentials until it is found. Baggage Delay/Loss benefit cover loss or damage to your personal effects and can reimburse your purchase of necessities if your baggage is misdirected or lost.

3. You need to cancel or interrupt your trip.

You are eagerly anticipating your vacation but must cancel due to a serious medical condition which arises a few months/weeks/days before departure. Or perhaps you are already travelling when you learn of the passing of a family member, and you need to return home urgently.The timing of a cancellation can impact what part of your travel investment is refundable; travel insurance may be able to recover much that is not. The Trip Cancellation/Interruption coverage may reimburse you for the unused, non-refundable pre-paid portion of a trip as well as the expenses of new or changed air tickets to return home if your travel plans change due to a reason covered by the plan. Additionally, most plans include 24-hour, worldwide, collect-call access for emergency travel arrangements.

NOTE: Some plans have specific requirements for Trip Cancellation or Interruption due to Pre-Existing Medical Condition. However, the Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion will often be waived when the plan is purchased shortly after Trip's Initial Deposit Date and some plans can provide coverage for Pre-Existing Medical conditions if purchased prior to or within 24 hours of final payment.

Perhaps you choose to cancel your trip because you received a work promotion or your first grandchild is expected during the dates of the trip. Or maybe you need to leave urgently because the kennel notifies you your dog is seriously unwell. You are faced with the dilemma of whether to continue with your travel plans or change them, with the possibility that you will have non-refundable or additional costs.Upgrade the Travel Protection Plan with Cancel/Interruption for Any Reason coverage and know that you can cancel your trip for any reason. With CFAR/IFAR, your pre-paid, non-refundable trip payments are covered for up to 75% of your Total Trip Cost when you cancel your trip or leave early for any reason not otherwise covered under the Trip Cancellation/Interruption benefit.

NOTE: This upgrade option is available at additional expense with some plans and must be purchased shortly after initial deposit on the trip.

* - This is general overview, each travel insurance plan has specific conditions set. Please refer to Plan's Details and Description of Coverage for complete information.